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Image by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen


A genre like none other

How to Write Erotica: Welcome


Two reasons. It is fun and you want to. Writing erotica gives you the chance to escape the world into a surreal world of fantasy where YOU are the director. Don't let this overwhelm you. This is where the fun starts. You get to see the story play out how you wish. No holds barred. What's more? Someone else will want to read it.


Writing can be cathartic, profitable and enjoyable. While it can take time, it doesn't take years of studying to find your niche. Erotica doesn't have to be overly technical to be a roaring success. Romance doesn't have to be a fairy tale.  YES, it can take time and imagination, but when enjoying yourself, who's watching the clock?

How to Write Erotica: Text
How to Write Erotica: News

How to Write Erotica

"Where do I begin?"


No matter if you write romance, erotica or plain old down and dirty filth, you will need to be comfortable with sex, sexuality, and referring to parts of the human body you may have only giggled at in school, and tsk-tsked as an adult. You are going to need to 'get over that' if you want to write this genre. Otherwise, you are not writing in this genre. And that is absolutely okay! But since you are here, I'm guessing you might.


Don't be alarmed about sexual preferences when it comes to writing. Not everyone writes about heterosexual, bisexual or full on queer. But if you do, you will need to do a bit of homework about these aspects if they are not how you are wired. It will come across as more authentic. Readers like something beleivable they can picture themselves in, no matter how fantastical. In saying that, why not challenge yourself? I am of the belief we learn by doing and creating, not just by reading a book on anatomy.

You will also want to consider if you are writing in the first person, or perhaps from a story teller view, perhaps you were having a dream, a friend told you about  their fantasy, you were invited to a swingers party but had no idea until you got there... the list is so long of where your imagination, or hey, maybe your experiences you wee devil; will lead you to. [MORE ABOUT THIS LATER]


They say, and they say a lot, that every story starts with a beginning a middle and an end. I will tell you something for free. This is not only true, but it is also, not always in that order. I am also a poet and will often title the poem before I even know what I am going to write about. And the same with any other style of writing I do. Often I don't even find out what is going to happen until the end. I think this keeps not just the reader, but in this case, the writer on their toes!


Your fantasy is kept in a vault. So is your penmanship. One way we do this is by safe guarding our writing. I don't know what you read unless you tell me. Quite frankly, it's none of my business. And your writing will be kept in a vault also. Especially as you will hide it behind your PEN name. The reason we use an alias as a writer comes done to the fact, it can sound a lot sexier than our birth name, to protect our family from the shame or fame of being related to such an amazing author, to protect our identity online (there are a lot of whacky people out there, I've met seven) and of course, because you want something memorable that rolls of the tongue and easy to search online.


When you CHOOSE your pen name, don't forget to research it. I was SO excited about my original name for years and then when it got to the part of actually publishing, I went darn, there is already a Catherine Lee. And not only that, she writes the same style as me. Well I certainly wasn't going to insult her (or his or their) efforts by choosing the same name. Hence my research on Heather Lace began. To be fair, I would be somewhat miffed if someone now started to use my name and essentially ride off my coat tails. I like to assume people have integrity!


Email me for an amazing IDEA on HOW to choose your new pen name. (And it is NOT from a generator online.)

How to Write Erotica: Welcome




In this book I discuss EVERYTHING about how to get started in Writing Erotica RIGHT NOW! 

How to Write Erotica: Text


How to Write Erotica: Welcome
  1. Limit your distractions

  2. Set your writing room up

  3. Get inspiration from everywhere

  4. Invest in a good set up

  5. Your best friend is a notebook on your phone or the dictophone 

  6. Don't THINK so much, just start

  7. Rome wasn't built in a day

  8. Write for others but don't lose yourself completely

  9. Pick a genre you feel comfortable with as you will be writing about it A LOT

  10. Edit AFTER - the edit AGAIN

Image by engin akyurt

One of the most important things you can ever do is write your story. Even if it came from the depths of your imagination

What are you waiting for? Your book won't write itself!

How to Write Erotica: Text

Behind the Sex Scenes


  • ​Paranormal

  • Vampire

  • Alien

  • Love object

  • Billionaire

  • Cougar

  • Infidelity

  • Holiday

  • Western

  • Caveman

  • Crime / Mystery

  • Science Fiction

  • Hetero

  • Lesbian

  • Gay

  • Solo

  • Couples

  • Threesomes

  • Group

  • First time

  • Romantic

  • Taboo

  • BDSM

  • Historical

How to Write Erotica: About
Image by John Jennings
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